Boardwalk Decking
When it comes to choosing the right wood for boardwalk decking, not all woods are created equal. Hurricane Sandy laid bare the need for durable, strong materials along the east coast. Today, no less than The U.S. Army Corp of Engineers recommends the use of tropical hardwood lumber species such as Ipe and Cumaru because of their strength and durability.
Iron Woods provides the strongest, most durable hardwoods suitable for boardwalks. All materials are readily available and certified under our comprehensive Green By Nature™ compliance program. All Iron Woods species suitable for boardwalk construction are available in Iron Woods Premium Select Architectural, FEQ, or FAS qualities.

Ipe for Boardwalks
With the highest natural resistance to termites and marine borers combined with a dimensional stability green-to-dry over any other species available, Ipe is the premier exterior hardwood species for boardwalks. Ipe is readily available in a broad range of nominal and rough dimensions ranging from 1×4 all the way up to 4×12 and lengths up to 20’, free of heart center and free of sapwood.
Ipe Delivery
Delivery typically begins from stocks and completes within 90 -120 days, subject to project volume requirements.
Ipe Dimensions
Optimal net dimensions for Ipe boardwalk decking are as follows: Air Dried 1×3.5, 1×5.5, 1.5×3.5, 1.5×5.5, 1.5×7.25, 2.5×5.5, 2.5×7.25, 2.5×11.25, 3.5×5.5, 3.5×7.25, 3.5×11.25.
Ipe Pro Tips
- Sourcing large volumes of fixed dimensions and lengths in Ipe remains a challenge and is virtually impossible in longer lengths. Designers should develop specifications that allow the use of random lengths 6’ to 20’ in order to facilitate reliable supply and lowest cost.
- When specifying for poorly ventilated decks, always specify greater thickness-to-width ratios such as 1×3.5, 1.5×3.5, 2.5×5.5, 3.5×5.5
- Face Screwing is the only installation method recommended in commercial boardwalk applications.
IPE Boardwalk Projects
Boardwalk projects made with Ipe are found throughout the United States (and the rest of the world). Here’s a partial list of boardwalk projects currently using Ipe:
- Long Beach
- Atlantic City
- Far Rockaway
- Jones Beach
- Coney Island Boardwalk
- Robert Moses State Park
- Avon
- Freedom Park
- Strawberry Plains Audubon
- Swamp Creek Sanctuary Audubon
- Hudson River Park
- NYC High Line
- Liberty Island Ferry Concourse
- Disney
- Sea World
- Green Bay
- Milwaukee Riverwalk
Cumaru for Boardwalks
Cumaru is an excellent alternative to Ipe for commercial applications where it is not in direct contact with marine borers. Less dimensionally stable than ipe, greater thickness to width ratios improve performance. Cumaru is readily available in a broad range of nominal and rough dimensions ranging from 5/4×6 all the way up to 12×12 and lengths up to 20’—all free of heart center and free of sapwood.
Cumaru prices typically fall 10-20% below Ipe prices.
Cumaru Delivery
Cumaru delivery typically starts 60 days and completes within 120 -150 days, subject to project volume requirements.
Cumaru Dimensions
Optimal net dimensions for decking as follows: Kiln Dried 1×5.5 12-16% Moisture Content to assure dimensional stability in application. Air Dried 1.5×3.5, 1.5×5.5, 2.5×5.5, 2.5×7.25, 3.5×5.5, 3.5×7.25, 3.5×11.25. Moisture Content 18”
Cumaru Pro Tips
- When specifying for poorly ventilated decks, always specify greater thickness to width ratios, such as 1×3.5, 1.5×3.5, 2.5×5.5, 3.5×5.5
- Face Screwing is the only installation method recommended in commercial boardwalk applications.
- Cumaru is one wood species where it is still possible to specify large volumes of single dimensions and lengths which make it ideal for large commercial constructions. However, designers are encouraged to develop specifications that allow the use of random lengths, 6’ to 20’, in order to facilitate reliable supply and lowest possible cost.
Cumaru Boardwalk Projects
Take a look at some projects currently using Cumaru:
- Atlantic City
- Coney Island
- Beidler Forest Audubon
- Absecon
- Disney
Massaranduba for Boardwalks
Massaranduba is a relatively new species to the boardwalk market. Massaranduba is an excellent alternative to Ipe for commercial applications where it is not in direct contact with Marine Borers.
Massaranduba prices typically fall 20-30% below Ipe prices.
Massaranduba Delivery
Massaranduba delivery typically starts 60 days and completes within 120 -150 days, subject to project volume requirements.
Massaranduba Dimensions
It’s readily available in a broad range of nominal and rough dimensions ranging from 1×4 all the way up to 4×8. Lengths run up to 20’. All are free of heart center and sapwood.
Optimal net dimensions for decking: KD 1×4, 5/4×4, 5/4×6 AD 1.5×3.5, 1.5×5.5, 1.5×7.25, 2.5×5.5, 2.5×7.25, 3.5×7.25, 3.5×11.25.
Massaranduba Pro Tips
- Harder than Ipe, Massaranduba may have a greater propensity towards splitting than Ipe or Cumaru. Greater thickness-to-width ratios improve performance.
- Residential decking dimensions 1×4, 1×6, 5/4×4 and 5/4×6 should only be specified as KD (Kiln Dried) 12-14% to assure dimensional stability in application.
- Do not specify Massaranduba as KD in dimensions thicker than net 1”.
- When specifying for poorly ventilated decks, always specify greater thickness to width ratios, such as 1×3.5, 1.5×3.5, 2.5×5.5, 3.5×5.5.
- While Massaranduba is available in large volumes of fixed dimensions and lengths, specifiers should develop specifications that allow the use of random lengths 6’ to 20’ in order to facilitate reliable supply and lowest cost.
Massaranduba Projects
- Atlantic City
Greenheart for Boardwalks
Greenheart has a long history in marine and boardwalk constructions. Greenheart is commonly used for piles, stringers, and structural members in marine constructions due to its high resistance to marine borer attack without the need for preservative treatment. Greenheart is one of the lowest cost naturally durable hardwood species.
Decking use has been more limited due to its dimensional instability. Greenheart is not recommended for residential decking.
Greenheart Delivery
Greenheart delivery typically starts within 60 days and completes within 120 -150 days, subject project volumes.
Greenheart Dimensions
Greenheart is readily available in a broad range of rough dimensions, ranging from 2×4 all the way up to 4×12. Lengths are available up to 20’. All are free of heart center and sapwood. Square Piling ( boxed heart ) is available up to 12×12 and lengths up to 20’. Round Piling is available in lengths to 60’.
Optimal net dimensions for commercial decking: AD 1.5×3.5, 2.5×5.5, 3.5×7.25
Greenheart Pro Tips
- Greenheart as a species has a lot of tension in the fiber and is more prone than Ipe or Cumaru to movement in service and surface checking. When specifying greenheart you must consider that the longer the length specified the greater the chance for movement.
- Greenheart does not store well and should be installed as soon as practicable after milling.
- Greenheart is not recommended for residential decking.
- Greenheart is available in large volumes in fixed dimensions and lengths but at a premium price. Specifiers should develop specifications that allow the use of random lengths 6’ to 20’ in order to facilitate reliable supply and lowest cost.
Greenheart Projects
Some projects currently using Greenheart boardwalk decking include:
- Fire Island Saltaire Boardwalk
- Brooklyn Bridge
- Coney Island
Ekki for Boardwalks
Ekki has a long history of use in marine and bridge constructions. Highly stable in heavy dimensions and available in large and long defect-free dimensions, Ekki is frequently specified for structural and heavy decking applications. With its high natural resistance to marine borer attack, Ekki is commonly used for square piling, fenders, stringers, structural members, and heavy decking in marine constructions. Ekki Is not recommended for residential decking.
Priced in the middle of the naturally durable hardwood category, consider Ekki whenever you need large dimensions and long lengths.
Ekki Delivery
Delivery of Ekki typically starts within 90 days and completes within 120 -150 days, subject project volumes.
Ekki Dimensions
Ekki is readily available in a broad range of nominal and rough dimensions ranging from 2×4 all the way up to 12×12. Lengths are available up to 40’. All are free of heart center and free of sapwood.
Optimal net dimensions for commercial decking: 2.5×5.5, 2.5×7.25, 3.5X5.5, 3.5×7.25, 5.5X11.25
Ekki Pro Tips
- Ekki is one species where this is still possible to secure large volumes of fixed dimensions and lengths. Specifier’s should develop specifications that allow the use of random lengths 6’ to 20’ in order to facilitate reliable supply and lowest cost.
Ekki Projects
Some projects currently using Ekki boardwalk decking include:
- South Street Seaport
- Liberty Island
- New York City Transit Authority
- Batavia Bridge
- Peach Tree Plaza Bridge
Ipe for Boardwalks
With the highest natural resistance to termites and marine borers combined with a dimensional stability green-to-dry over any other species available, Ipe is the premier exterior hardwood species for boardwalks. Ipe is readily available in a broad range of nominal and rough dimensions ranging from 1×4 all the way up to 4×12 and lengths up to 20’, free of heart center and free of sapwood.
Ipe Delivery
Delivery typically begins from stocks and completes within 90 -120 days, subject to project volume requirements.
Ipe Dimensions
Optimal net dimensions for Ipe boardwalk decking are as follows: Air Dried 1×3.5, 1×5.5, 1.5×3.5, 1.5×5.5, 1.5×7.25, 2.5×5.5, 2.5×7.25, 2.5×11.25, 3.5×5.5, 3.5×7.25, 3.5×11.25.
Ipe Pro Tips
- Sourcing large volumes of fixed dimensions and lengths in Ipe remains a challenge and is virtually impossible in longer lengths. Designers should develop specifications that allow the use of random lengths 6’ to 20’ in order to facilitate reliable supply and lowest cost.
- When specifying for poorly ventilated decks, always specify greater thickness-to-width ratios such as 1×3.5, 1.5×3.5, 2.5×5.5, 3.5×5.5
- Face Screwing is the only installation method recommended in commercial boardwalk applications.
IPE Boardwalk Projects
Boardwalk projects made with Ipe are found throughout the United States (and the rest of the world). Here’s a partial list of boardwalk projects currently using Ipe:
- Long Beach
- Atlantic City
- Far Rockaway
- Jones Beach
- Coney Island Boardwalk
- Robert Moses State Park
- Avon
- Freedom Park
- Strawberry Plains Audubon
- Swamp Creek Sanctuary Audubon
- Hudson River Park
- NYC High Line
- Liberty Island Ferry Concourse
- Disney
- Sea World
- Green Bay
- Milwaukee Riverwalk
Cumaru for Boardwalks
Cumaru is an excellent alternative to Ipe for commercial applications where it is not in direct contact with marine borers. Less dimensionally stable than ipe, greater thickness to width ratios improve performance. Cumaru is readily available in a broad range of nominal and rough dimensions ranging from 5/4×6 all the way up to 12×12 and lengths up to 20’—all free of heart center and free of sapwood.
Cumaru prices typically fall 10-20% below Ipe prices.
Cumaru Delivery
Cumaru delivery typically starts 60 days and completes within 120 -150 days, subject to project volume requirements.
Cumaru Dimensions
Optimal net dimensions for decking as follows: Kiln Dried 1×5.5 12-16% Moisture Content to assure dimensional stability in application. Air Dried 1.5×3.5, 1.5×5.5, 2.5×5.5, 2.5×7.25, 3.5×5.5, 3.5×7.25, 3.5×11.25. Moisture Content 18”
Cumaru Pro Tips
- When specifying for poorly ventilated decks, always specify greater thickness to width ratios, such as 1×3.5, 1.5×3.5, 2.5×5.5, 3.5×5.5
- Face Screwing is the only installation method recommended in commercial boardwalk applications.
- Cumaru is one wood species where it is still possible to specify large volumes of single dimensions and lengths which make it ideal for large commercial constructions. However, designers are encouraged to develop specifications that allow the use of random lengths, 6’ to 20’, in order to facilitate reliable supply and lowest possible cost.
Cumaru Boardwalk Projects
Take a look at some projects currently using Cumaru:
- Atlantic City
- Coney Island
- Beidler Forest Audubon
- Absecon
- Disney
Massaranduba for Boardwalks
Massaranduba is a relatively new species to the boardwalk market. Massaranduba is an excellent alternative to Ipe for commercial applications where it is not in direct contact with Marine Borers.
Massaranduba prices typically fall 20-30% below Ipe prices.
Massaranduba Delivery
Massaranduba delivery typically starts 60 days and completes within 120 -150 days, subject to project volume requirements.
Massaranduba Dimensions
It’s readily available in a broad range of nominal and rough dimensions ranging from 1×4 all the way up to 4×8. Lengths run up to 20’. All are free of heart center and sapwood.
Optimal net dimensions for decking: KD 1×4, 5/4×4, 5/4×6 AD 1.5×3.5, 1.5×5.5, 1.5×7.25, 2.5×5.5, 2.5×7.25, 3.5×7.25, 3.5×11.25.
Massaranduba Pro Tips
- Harder than Ipe, Massaranduba may have a greater propensity towards splitting than Ipe or Cumaru. Greater thickness-to-width ratios improve performance.
- Residential decking dimensions 1×4, 1×6, 5/4×4 and 5/4×6 should only be specified as KD (Kiln Dried) 12-14% to assure dimensional stability in application.
- Do not specify Massaranduba as KD in dimensions thicker than net 1”.
- When specifying for poorly ventilated decks, always specify greater thickness to width ratios, such as 1×3.5, 1.5×3.5, 2.5×5.5, 3.5×5.5.
- While Massaranduba is available in large volumes of fixed dimensions and lengths, specifiers should develop specifications that allow the use of random lengths 6’ to 20’ in order to facilitate reliable supply and lowest cost.
Massaranduba Projects
- Atlantic City
Greenheart for Boardwalks
Greenheart has a long history in marine and boardwalk constructions. Greenheart is commonly used for piles, stringers, and structural members in marine constructions due to its high resistance to marine borer attack without the need for preservative treatment. Greenheart is one of the lowest cost naturally durable hardwood species.
Decking use has been more limited due to its dimensional instability. Greenheart is not recommended for residential decking.
Greenheart Delivery
Greenheart delivery typically starts within 60 days and completes within 120 -150 days, subject project volumes.
Greenheart Dimensions
Greenheart is readily available in a broad range of rough dimensions, ranging from 2×4 all the way up to 4×12. Lengths are available up to 20’. All are free of heart center and sapwood. Square Piling ( boxed heart ) is available up to 12×12 and lengths up to 20’. Round Piling is available in lengths to 60’.
Optimal net dimensions for commercial decking: AD 1.5×3.5, 2.5×5.5, 3.5×7.25
Greenheart Pro Tips
- Greenheart as a species has a lot of tension in the fiber and is more prone than Ipe or Cumaru to movement in service and surface checking. When specifying greenheart you must consider that the longer the length specified the greater the chance for movement.
- Greenheart does not store well and should be installed as soon as practicable after milling.
- Greenheart is not recommended for residential decking.
- Greenheart is available in large volumes in fixed dimensions and lengths but at a premium price. Specifiers should develop specifications that allow the use of random lengths 6’ to 20’ in order to facilitate reliable supply and lowest cost.
Greenheart Projects
Some projects currently using Greenheart boardwalk decking include:
- Fire Island Saltaire Boardwalk
- Brooklyn Bridge
- Coney Island
Ekki for Boardwalks
Ekki has a long history of use in marine and bridge constructions. Highly stable in heavy dimensions and available in large and long defect-free dimensions, Ekki is frequently specified for structural and heavy decking applications. With its high natural resistance to marine borer attack, Ekki is commonly used for square piling, fenders, stringers, structural members, and heavy decking in marine constructions. Ekki Is not recommended for residential decking.
Priced in the middle of the naturally durable hardwood category, consider Ekki whenever you need large dimensions and long lengths.
Ekki Delivery
Delivery of Ekki typically starts within 90 days and completes within 120 -150 days, subject project volumes.
Ekki Dimensions
Ekki is readily available in a broad range of nominal and rough dimensions ranging from 2×4 all the way up to 12×12. Lengths are available up to 40’. All are free of heart center and free of sapwood.
Optimal net dimensions for commercial decking: 2.5×5.5, 2.5×7.25, 3.5X5.5, 3.5×7.25, 5.5X11.25
Ekki Pro Tips
- Ekki is one species where this is still possible to secure large volumes of fixed dimensions and lengths. Specifier’s should develop specifications that allow the use of random lengths 6’ to 20’ in order to facilitate reliable supply and lowest cost.
Ekki Projects
Some projects currently using Ekki boardwalk decking include:
- South Street Seaport
- Liberty Island
- New York City Transit Authority
- Batavia Bridge
- Peach Tree Plaza Bridge
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Boardwalk Fasteners
At Iron Woods, we believe that fasteners should be as strong and durable as the decking they’re charged to hold down. Developed for Atlantic City, Iron Woods Boardwalk Screws represent state-of-the-art boardwalk deck connection.
- High-grade T-302 stainless steel heavy-gauge wire
- TPI passivated to improve corrosion resistance
- Heavy gauge and deep threads provide superior deck-to-stringer connections, improving structural integrity and resistance to all nature has to dish out
- Designed to outlast the decking they hold down
- Easy removal and re-use

Which wood is right for you?
Type | ||
Maintenance | ||
Decay Resistance | ||
Termite Resistance | ||
Strength | ||
Movement in Service | ||
Fire Rating Class | ||
Weight per cu. ft. | ||
Bending Strength (in psi) | ||
E-modulus | ||
Shear Strength | ||
Hardness |
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